Econotherm was recently featured in the September/October 2023 issue of Fertilizer International magazine.
Titled 'A new face in waste heat recovery,' the article discusses Solex Thermal Science's acquisition of Econotherm, as well as how the complementary technologies offered by their respective organizations will help deliver much-needed solutions for fertilizer waste heat recovery.

Of note, Mark Boocock, Managing Director at Econotherm, notes the company's heat pipe technology is well suited to recover energy from the particle-laden air generated as exhaust during the drying processes, as well as from gas-fired heaters used in ammonia and nitrate production.
“There is a lot of waste heat coming out of a fertilizer plant that’s not being recovered. What we are offering is a type of heat exchanger that moves the risk and return on investment indicators in a positive direction – allowing fertilizer producers to look closer at their existing processes,” he says.
Download the full article below.